Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Oak Hill Gazette: The community newspaper for Southwest Austin

Another reason to have people who support Plan 3, the plan recommended by the FUBTF attend the Feb. 8th Board of Trustee meeting. Wear your t-shirts, bring signs.

Oak Hill Gazette: The community newspaper for Southwest Austin


  1. wow, the writer of this article really focused on Boone's issues. The article only quotes one person, continually, to create a larger narrative. Interesting.

  2. Besides showing your support on February 8th, you can also sign the petition Michelle posted on the blog,, which outlines how the task force recommendation solves problems for the majority of the schools, but also outlines a solution and its impact on the large number of under-capacity schools in south Austin.

  3. I think the Gazette, and other publications, would find it helpful to get a writeup from us on the entire issue. If it were well written, it might be published as submitted. Worth a try.

  4. Mike,

    The point of this posting was not to write something for the Gazette. The point is that we need to show the Board, regardless of what they read in the paper, that people support the FUBTF plan. You can accomplish that better by signing the petition, or attending the meetings and speaking on the 22nd.
