Friday, February 5, 2010

HEADS UP: Community Meeting Feb. 11

The Board of Trustees will have a public meeting February 11 at 6pm.  This meeting will strictly be for the board to hear from community members regarding the current FUBTF recommended boundary plan.  Sign up proceedures are the same for the speaking at a regular board meeting.

We will hold a meeting for Mills parents Tuesday, February 9 at 6pm in the Mills Library.  Can't make the meeting?  Email for more information.


Just got this from Joe Silva with AISD...More information on how to sign up coming soon.  But please, mark your calendar's now.  We will need a solid turnout.

HI Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that the District will releasing a press release later today (if it hasn't gone out yet) that the Board of Trustees will be holding a public forum on Thursday February 11, 2010 in the Board Auditorium to get community input regarding the FUBTF final recommendation that will be presented to them on February 8, 2010.

The process to sign up to speak will be same as Citizen Communications. Signup for speakers will start at 7:45 on 2/11/2010 in the Superintendent's office.


  1. So, is this a normal part of the process or is this a new meeting because of the volatile nature of the issues? Seems a little late for people to start paying attention all of the sudden.

  2. Hard to say - maybe others have more insight. I believe last year there were more chances for the public to weigh in on the final boundary plan.

    Since Dr. Carstarphen has joined AISD, the board has changed their meeting structure, allowing public comment at only one meeting per month - and limited to the first 30 speakers. Perhaps they felt that additional input was warranted.
