Thursday, December 10, 2009

CAC Survey Results

December 10, 2009

So far, we've collected 70 surveys from last week's CAC meeting.  The surveys broke down into 2 parts: 

1) On a scale of 1-10, how well does Plan 1 meet the criteria set by the Mills' parents feedback from September? 

Of the 70 surveys, 62 responses gave Plan 1 a rating of 8, 9 or 10.
88.5% felt positive about the plan.
2 people rated the plan a 7
5 people gave Plan 1 a rating between 3-5.  As a whole, these negative responses asked for additional relief for Mills.

2)"If demographic numbers change and Mills must find additional relief, please indicate which neighboring school you would prefer to attend."

52 people chose Kiker Elementary
6 chose Patton
2 chose Clayton
1 chose Oak Hill
1 chose the New elementary school

Lisa and I have been notified by the district that all FUBTF members will be receiving updated demographic numbers and maps on Friday (tomorrow.)  Stay tuned.


  1. Do you have a generalized correlation between the neighborhoods and the schools? Clearly majority choice would be Kiker, but was that pretty much for all neighborhoods responding?

  2. I agree with the request for how it correlates from neighborhood to school, though so few voted other than Kiker, that I'm guessing even in the North border neighborhoods, travelling all the way to Kiker is majority preferred. It must be a great school!
    Regardless, it sounds like we might have to reopen the debate on who goes where, and I want to give big kudos to our reps for gathering this survey on who will want what.
    Mike Fair
