Thursday, October 29, 2009

Questions and concerns?

I have been getting a lot of questions, and concerns brought to me lately. Do you have questions for the Mills Task Force Reps, or for the district? Please post them here so we can get answers at the next Task Force meeting.


  1. Please see my question in the comments on Oct. 30th post. Thanks.

  2. i'd like to get an idea of how many transfers students are in mills, patton, kiker and clayton as well as where they live please. i'm wondering if there's an opportunity to have kids go to school closer to where they live vs sending kids away from their neighborhoods to other schools.

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  4. Brad,

    Please see the post on Transfers - under the September blog list. This explains more about transfers at Mills. Also, read An Epiphany about Population Projections, which talks more about transfers.
    Here's a segment from that post:
    "Now, we've talked a bit on this blog about transfers and Mrs. Butler has talked about it, too - it's the district policy to allow certain kinds of transfers (those are detailed in the presentation below.) And yes, they allow priority transfers even when a school is as overcrowded as Mills.

    You may not like that policy - but don't get mad at Mrs. Butler, she's just doing her job. Write letters to the board, go to their meetings and speak, if you want to."

    Talking about transfers isn't going to solve our overcrowding problem, and it's not going to prevent neighborhoods from being zoned away from Mills. It's not something Lisa and I - or Mrs. Butler for that matter - can do anything about. It's district policy. And the task force can't do anything about it either.

    If you're concerned about transfers, I encourage you to work through the Board of Trustees to address any district policy you would like changed.

  5. I thought that certain schools in AISD don't allow transfers. How do they achieve that status? Ironically, maybe people in VOWO and Circle C will be transfer students to Mills next year.

  6. It's a district policy, not a Mills policy. Mills is "frozen" to transfers, yet the district still allows certain kinds of transfers to our campus. You might want to read the posting on transfers under the September list.

  7. I'm curious about the transfer numbers. The AISD report card (08-09) for Mills shows 57 transferring in and 32 out, for a delta of 25. What are the in/out numbers for the 09-10 year?

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