Wednesday, October 7, 2009

If you haven't seen this column written by Mrs. Butler this week for the site, please take a minute to read it.  It sums up the difficult task ahead of us and why we would like parents to give us input on a solution that is the most acceptable.

Thoughts on Re-drawing Boundaries
The next few months promise to bring some lively and stimulating discussions as we look at how relief might be provided for the overcrowding at Mills. However these conversations will also be emotional and sometimes difficult. It is already difficult to think about losing any of our Mills families, but unfortunately, we are in a position where we can’t afford to “do nothing”. There is no future classroom capacity, because we have no more land for additional portables, without encroaching on the track and playground. So we have exhausted the current resources to accommodate any new population growth. And while growth has slowed somewhat, I don’t forsee our enrollment declining anytime soon.
There will be no easy solutions, but I hope that we can all come together as a community to work together to find options that we can all live with. I encourage you to be involved in the process as the Boundary Task Force begins its work. Our representatives are Lisa Chatham and Michelle Reinhardt, and they, as well as our Campus Advisory Council have already done a wonderful job of providing information about this issue. As parents, you will be kept informed every step of the way about the proposals being put forth and how you can provide input. Please check the website and the Mills Messenger regularly for the most current information.

1 comment:

  1. Very well written. I am glad she has brought this up because we have to realize that this is a touchy subject and not an easy process. We know we are over crowded and need relief, we can't get a way from that. As Mills parents we need to take a positive approach and do what is best.
