Monday, September 28, 2009

FUBTF Priorities

I had a question from one of our parents over the weekend.  They wanted to know if the district had confirmed that tracking and location would be considered priorities for the boundary task force.  So, I went and looked at the agenda for Tuesday's board meeting (September 29).

And sure enough, they have the priorities listed under the agenda.  The list includes tracking (aligning feeder patterns is the term they use) and location/proximity.

To find the document click on the link to the agenda below, then scroll down to item XII, E, Exihibit B.  You have to dig.


  1. I see the 'criteria' listed on the document, but it is not quite the same as the list from this the Oct 6 presentation at Clayton.
    I don't appreciate that the Oct6 list omitted proximity.

    School Board document (charge to task force):
    The task force will develop a boundary recommendation to the Superintendent and Board of Trustees that best meets
    the following criteria that are listed in no particular priority order.
    • Achieve capacity targets that ensure efficient operation of facilities
    • Affect the fewest students possible
    • Incrementally improve alignment of feeder patterns
    • Prevent multiple reassignment of students among schools by developing stable, longterm
    assignment plans
    • Minimize distance and travel time for students getting to and from school

    Oct6 presentation:
    Achieve capacity targets that ensure efficient operation of facilities
    Affect the fewest students possible
    Attend to the alignment of feeder patterns, as reasonable, and balanced against the other criteria
    Prevent multiple reassignment of students among schools by developing stable, long-term assignment plans

  2. We're at the mercy of the Board of Trustees on the guidelines for the task force.
