Monday, March 22, 2010

Candidate Forum

Not sure how many of you out there are still following the blog.  We'd really like to invite all of you who were so active during the boundary process to participate in a candidate forum scheduled for Wednesday, April 7 at 6:30pm. 

Here are the details:

The Mills Elementary PTA is sponsoring a candidates’ forum for those seeking District 7 and At-Large District 9 seats. We will hold the forum on Wednesday, April 7 at 6:30pm in the Mills Elementary School cafeteria. The event is open to the public and will be widely publicized in the District 7 area.

Questions will be solicited from the audience and screened by a question screener for appropriateness. The moderator will ask the question of each candidate and a time keeper will ensure each candidate gets the same time to answer. After about an hour of questions, we will allow each candidate to give a summary of no more than five minutes. Our goal is to end the event at 8pm.

Both of these races are your vote really counts.
District 7:
Robert Schneider is the incumbant - was first elected to the Austin ISD Board of Trustees in May, 2002 and re-elected in 2006. He has recently retired from fulltime work on massively parallel computing systems at The University of Texas at Austin after 30 years of research and departmental work. Mr. Schneider has a long history of community involvement serving on numerous neighborhood, environmental, and school committees and task forces. His primary interests include site-based decision making, promoting academic achievement, and studying models of board governance. Mr. Schneider serves as chair of the Board's Audit Committee. Mr. Schneider has been married to his wife, Kathleen, since 1986, and has four children who attend AISD schools.

Challenger Warren Faulkner is retired from AISD in May 2009 after 29 years of service as a teacher and administrator. He is currently a substitute teacher and administrator, a weekly mentor, and serves on the advisory board of a local child development center. His primary interests are improving AISD’s high school graduation rate, supporting cumulative examination of student knowledge with a goal of 100% passing rate, representing all students of AISD, remaining abreast of district growth and planning accordingly, being a good steward of district money, and fair compensation and retention of teachers, administrators, and classified district employees (office staff, teaching assistants, custodians, cafeteria servers and monitors). Mr. Faulkner has lived in District 7 since 1983. To learn more about Mr. Faulkner, visit, or email him at
We've been assured both of these candidates will attend the forum.
The at-large position is fairly crowded with 5 different candidates - Tamala Barksdale, Cassandra Enoch Brown, Julie Cowan, Dianne T. Mendoza, & Mike Reed.  More on these candidates to come.

So bring your questions for the candidates for Board of Trustees, and be ready to vote in the election that comes up Saturday, May 8!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to all candidates who are willing to spend their time and energy serving the families of AISD. We need you and we appreciate you!
