Friday, November 20, 2009

November 18 Meeting

I was waiting until the AISD posted the revised map, but since they haven't yet, I'll go ahead and tell you what happened at the meeting on Wednesday.

The task force voted for a map that will be taken around to all the Campus Advisory Councils of the schools involved in the boundary changes.  That started with Boone Elementary last night.  A complete list of meetings is on the Task Force Website. (click on the Nov. 18 agenda)

The district will be presenting the map to Mills' CAC on December 2 at 5:30.  We plan to have comment cards to collect your thoughts on the plan.

In the "approved" plan, which is what I'll call the plan approved by the task force, Mills boundaries are the same as in Plan 0, which is posted on the blog.  This plan basically moves Vintage Place and Park Place, removing about 100 kids from our total population.

There seems to be an opportunity for Mills to reduce further, and that was proposed by a couple of the task force members.  After more movement, space has been freed up at Patton, and we could look at moving some students north, which would be within tracking (a priority of the task force.)

We will talk more about these options at the Dec. 2 meeting - I hope everyone will come and fill out a comment card.  Because, even if you are not moving your child from Mills next year, you child will still be efffected by the total population at the school and by the type of reduction that we are able to achieve (ho much, whether we get some sort of grandfathering plan, etc.)

A quick note:  I have disabled the comments section on the blog.  I enjoyed reading the comments for a while, and it gave Lisa and I a chance to answer your questions, but it was taking up so much of my time to try and moderate the comments, that I had to disable them.  I have a job and I need to keep it!  Please understand that Lisa and I are doing this as volunteers.  Thanks for your understanding.